Be kind

Let’s face it, fellow Americans. This week is going be rough, no matter what happens in the elections on Tuesday.

It saddens me to know that divisiveness and arguing are what my daughters believe politics is. To me, government exists to make a better WORLD for ALL - taking into consideration the people who are affected by its decisions. Thoughtfulness, discussion, compromise and cooperation are the tools by which effective governing should accomplish goals.

And while I’m not running for any office that represents others, I do know that there are ways to help make these goals more attainable.


Participate in your community (when it’s safe to do so).

Help neighbors in need.

Help others around the world in need (human and not!)

Be kind.

It’s the very least that we, as humans, can do. And it makes such a difference to those with whom we interact. I believe it’s the best way forward, whether we’re in our current situation with current circumstances, or at any time.

Be kind.

Are you in?


Robin Wall Kimmerer


Natural Frost-Free Car