
Another early spring flower in our area is Bloodroot. Named after the red sap that flows from its roots, bloodroot is easily recognizable by the large leaves that wrap around the stem of the flower.

And the flowers! These are the largest of the early spring flowers in my backyard - and they are quickly found because of their large white petals.

Bloodroot fools its pollinators by not providing any nectar, but lots of pollen to be spread around. Eventually, the seeds are eaten and spread by ants. But please, leave this plant to the ants. Its juices can be irritating to the skin (like poison ivy) and can make you sick if eaten.

I just discovered the book “Bloom Boom” by one of my favorite author-photographers, April Pulley Sayre. It was a great thrill to see Bloodroot featured in her book! Please check out her work for some fun rhymes and incredible nature photography!



