Garlic Scapes

For the vast majority of my life, I didn’t think the ordinary person could grow garlic. Then after we discovered you could, new knowledge came at us at lightning speed!

You plant garlic in the fall!

They magically sprout in the early spring!

Fourth of July = harvest time!

You can braid the stems in Laura Ingalls style!

But my favorite discovery about growing garlic are garlic scapes. What are these magical things, you ask?

Garlic is a bulb that grows underground. But it also has a long stem, pointy leaves, and a flower head. Garlic scapes are the very top part of the stem that holds the flower. Even more fun: it curls around in a spiral when it’s ready to harvest.

Garlic scapes are a fun early garlic present: they have a strong garlic flavor but a brightness that comes with the greenery. Our favorite ways to use it are to make creamy garlic scape dressing and also garlic scape pesto. The pesto also freezes well for a mid-winter treat!

Grow some garlic this fall and get surprises all spring long.

There’s not really any picture books related to garlic (note to self…) but one of our favorite gardening books is My Garden by Kevin Henkes. This book has a little girl imagining what would grow in her garden - and leads to great imaginings, such as ever-blooming flowers. Check out this excellent Wisconsin author book!


Marina with Garlic Scapes

(as Wonder Woman :)


Fall Equinox


Monarch Return