Seasons of the Moon
Human’s use of the moon as a way to keep track of time through the seasons, and to make predictions about the future in relation to survival has been around for a looooong time. Think 32,000 B.C. long. Because of its predictable and short cyclical nature, the moon has always been an easy way to mark our months and seasons.
Today, some cultures still base their calendar on the cycles of the moon. Traditional Chinese, Hindu, Jewish, Vietnamese and Thai calendars all follow the moon’s phases.
In a calendar year, we have 13 moon cycles. This means that one month will have two moons - also known as a “blue moon”. And because there is predictability with our seasons, each moon can correspond with seasonal natural phenomena.
An easy introduction to this correspondence is the book Once in a Full Moon by Carolinda Goodman and illustrated by Mariia Luzina. In simple rhyme, each month’s moon is paired with a natural observation that can be made during that month.
There are many different ways to name each moon of the year. First Nations across our country have names that make sense based on where they are in the world. Go outside on this month’s full moon - January 17. Observe what is happening around you on this bright, cold night. What name would you give this moon? Why? Leave a comment with your thoughts!