Earth Week - Try Something New!

Happy Earth Week everyone! While I’d love that “Every Day is Earth Day”, we all know it sometimes takes setting aside a special day to call importance to an event.

So this week, it’s a call to action: Try something new! There’s so much you can do to make a small difference for our planet. Chances are, you have ideas on how to make a small change, it’s just doing it that has got you stuck.

Our lives are surrounded by ways we can make a positive change for the planet. Think about it: the environment is affected in nearly all areas of our lives -

  • The products we buy

  • Our water usage

  • Our waste stream (both bodily and materially)

  • Our energy consumption

  • Our jobs

  • Our families

  • Our recreation activities

  • Our houses and yards

Choosing even just one of these areas to make a change will make a difference. We don’t need some people to do all of the things. We need all of the people to do some of the things.

Still need some ideas? I’ve got 52 of them below - you could choose a new one every week of the next year and see what happens!

  1. Use a refillable water bottle

  2. Buy used toys/clothing from FB Marketplace

  3. Bring your own container to the deli

  4. Use cloth to wrap your gifts

  5. Switch to unbleached coffee filters

  6. Donate clothes/toys/household goods instead of throwing away

  7. Use old socks for household rags

  8. Use both sides of paper

  9. Visit your library instead of buying new books

  10. Make dog toys out of old towels or socks

  11. Adjust your thermostat up or down one degree

  12. Work in an area of your home with natural lighting

  13. Wash full loads of clothes in cold water

  14. Turn off lights when leave a room

  15. Turn off your laptop at night

  16. Save glass jars to use for storage containers

  17. Watch a nature or environmental documentary

  18. Wash a full load of dishes in your dishwasher

  19. Carpool

  20. Consolidate your errands

  21. Buy 100% recycled paper products

  22. Compost your food waste

  23. Say no to a single-use straw

  24. Recycle glass, aluminum, paper, cardboard and correct plastics

  25. Pack reusable containers for your lunch

  26. Use cloth napkins

  27. Use real silverware and wash it

  28. Bring your plastic film bags to the grocery store for recycling

  29. Turn off the water when not needed

  30. Choose foods/products with less packaging

  31. Try to buy locally grown foods

  32. Consolidate your Amazon orders into one shipment

  33. Build a bird house or bird feeder

  34. Plant a pollinator garden

  35. Put up a bat house

  36. Grow plants indoors

  37. Pull invasive species in your area

  38. Go for a bike ride

  39. Bring a bag and gloves when you go for a walk and pick up garbage

  40. Inflate your car tires to the correct pressure

  41. Read an environmentally-themed book (check my list of favorites!)

  42. Dry your clothes outside

  43. Change lightbulbs to LEDs

  44. Turn on a fan instead of the air conditioning

  45. Put on a sweater or socks instead of turning up the heat

  46. Cut up leftover fruits and vegetables and freeze for soups or smoothies

  47. Clean out the lint filter each time you use the clothes dryer

  48. Think before you buy: do you NEED it?

  49. Find out if your community has a sustainability plan

  50. Take old appliances to a recycling event

  51. Grow your own food or herbs

  52. Take your own bags to the store for both groceries and produce


Invasive Species: Garlic Mustard


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