Everyday Gratitude

November = Thanksgiving = those 30 day challenges where we express gratitude for what we have in our lives.

What if you looked around yourself RIGHT NOW to see what thankfulness appears? But go deeper than surface level…

Could you be thankful for the electricity that flows effortlessly into your home?

The clean water that turns on with the twist or pull of a handle?

That blast of cool air that fills your lungs when you step outside?

What about the heat that turns on automatically so you don’t have to be cold in the morning?

Or the people around you?

It’s often these little things that get overlooked when we give thanks for what we have. And until we don’t have these things, we don’t realize how much we value them.

Take time this week to notice the background things that we take for granted, and reflect on the people and things that make them possible in your life. Happy Thanksgiving. :)


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