Go Outside!
What are your 2021 goals? My guess is, they’re different from any other goals that you have set in previous years. We’re all looking for ways to make this year different from the past, and I’ve got an easy one for you this week.
Go outside.
That’s it.
Being outdoors has multiple benefits for our mental well-being (thanks, Covid-19, for helping us finally acknowledge this!), our physical well-being (easier to take a walk than than watch TV outside), and our spiritual well-being (deep breathing, mindfulness, etc).
In addition, being outdoors helps us notice the outdoors. And what we notice, we are more likely to think about. Thinking may lead us to…
wonder more
seek out new knowledge
appreciate uniqueness
recognize connections
enjoy more
be grateful
All of these things are good things - for you and for the Earth!
When we appreciate and value something, we are also more likely to work to protect it and give back. And in the end, isn’t this what really matters?
So, come along with me and make a simple goal to go outside more in 2021. Who knows where it will lead you!